Rokeby has a flourishing Music department.
All boys from Reception to Year 8 benefit from weekly class music lessons. Topics of study include singing, recorder, music theory, ukulele, African drumming, samba, keyboards, Garageband, composition, and in Year 4, violin tuition for a term and a half. Boys also work towards their Bronze Arts Award in Year 7.
Around half of the boys learn musical instruments and our team of 10 eminent visiting teachers offer lessons in singing and the whole range of instruments. Our annual instrumental and singing competitions, the Rowe Cup and Allen Cup take place in the Spring term. In addition to these major events, we have a Carol Concert and Summer Concert and hold smaller, informal year group concerts and workshops.
Our busy weekly programme of ensembles, which includes Year 2, Junior, Senior, and Chamber Choirs, a Wind Ensemble, three String Ensembles, a Cello Ensemble, and a Guitar Ensemble, provides a huge number of boys with the experience and enjoyment of making music in all its forms. Boys can try the viola and cello in Year 1 and 2 in our Lower School ensembles.
Rokeby boys regularly receive Music scholarships to senior schools, including in recent years to St Paul’s, Hampton and King’s College.