Rokeby School is regularly inspected by The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). This is the body approved by the government for the purpose of inspecting schools belonging to the Independent Schools Council.
We had an inspection in November 2023. Below is a message from our Head, Mr Jason Peck. The inspection report can be found at the bottom of this page.
Dear Parents
I am pleased to attach the final inspection report from the Independent Schools Inspectorate, dated 28-30 November 2023.
The report follows a new framework. It covers five main areas:
- Leadership, management and governance
- Quality of education, training and recreation
- Pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing
- Pupils’ social and economic education and contribution to society
- Safeguarding
I am pleased to report that standards for all areas were met. Nowadays, there are no specific gradings given (such as outstanding, or good).
There is one recommendation for more embedded use of technology across the school, which we will act upon. Indeed, we already are.
I am delighted that we have achieved this report, which covers so many different aspects of school life. We are not perfect, nor are we complacent, but there is also plenty of encouragement here.
Thank you to you all as supportive parents, the brilliant boys, the gifted staff and the dedicated governors for making this school the lasting success it is.
Best wishes
Jason R Peck, Headmaster